NOTE: If you played in the beta right click on NeverEnder Next and choose Hard Force Update.
NeverEnder will remain loading some assets while the game is running, expect lag the first few minutes
Once the lag clears up you will likely be in an area with a lot of strong mobs, try to get basic gear as soon as possible.
Whats next? That is entirely up to you, you can raid bases, go mining, build amazing things, tame mobs, anything is possible in NeverEnder!
Find a brown ant and right click on it without an item in your hand, you will be taken to a peaceful world
NeverEnder is designed to be played with a bit of mystery to it, and because there are 7000+ items the regular item list mods cause lag.
But, no worries! Find some redstone and a book, redstone on the left, crafting bench on the bottom and a book on the right and you will have an easier way of crafting!
Still need to know more? Figure out how to craft our crafting recipe book, it is in the game you just have to craft one.